AlpacaLibary  1.63
A closed source C++ bot for OSRS
Box Member List

This is the complete list of members for Box, including all inherited members.

Box(std::int32_t X, std::int32_t Y, std::int32_t Width, std::int32_t Height)Box
Box(const Box &B)Box
Contains(const Point &P) constBox
Contains(const Box &B) constBox
Contains(std::int32_t X, std::int32_t Y) constBox
GetBinomialRandomPoint(double ProbabilityX, double ProbabilityY) constBox
GetHybridRandomPoint(double ProbabilityX, double ProbabilityY, double StandardDeviationX, double StandardDeviationY, double PointGenAccuracy) constBox
GetMiddle() constBox
GetNormalRandomPoint(double PercentageDeviationX, double PercentageDeviationY) constBox
GetProfileHybridRandomPoint() constBox
GetProfileHybridRandomPoint(double PointGenAccuracy) constBox
GetUniformRandomPoint() constBox
GetX2() constBox
GetY2() constBox
IsValid() constBox
OnScreen() constBox
operator bool() constBox
operator!=(const Box &B) constBox
operator<<(std::ostream &OS, const Box &B)Boxfriend
operator==(const Box &B) constBox